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About Cat Palace USA


Best Cat Prices on the Internet. It is our pleasure to bring you more than simply bargains -- we're talking about a HUGE variety of affordable, quality cat products with unbeatable customer service. Enjoy the savings you'll find here on cat supplies and unique cat gifts.

Thanks for visiting Auzzie, Michael, Jazz, Teetle, Jessie Jane, Michael and Mrs. Kitty's Cat Palace. They hope you have had a pleasurable visit and look forward to your return. Just remember, our family continually searches for new products around the world so you might find something of interest on your next visit.

"Blessed we are... by the Little Friends that Pass this Way..." Cat Palace USA is dedicated in memory of Auzziecat April 1992 to August 2004. He was the father figure of Joey, JJ and Katie

Who doesn?t love a cat.? They are so cute and cuddly.Here are some things that you might not know about the furry friend in your home:

The cat is believed to be an ancestor to the African wild cat.
The cat has been living with humans from 3500 to 8000 years.
There are over 500 million domestic cats and 33 different breeds.
A cat can have 1 - 8 kittens 2 - 3 times a year.
More then 35,000 kittens are born in the US each year.
Cats can see up to 120 feet away.
Cats can spend up to 30% of their day grooming.
The average cat weighs 12 pounds.
21% of homes in the US have at least one cat.
Americans spend 4 billion dollars a year on cat food.
The average cost to care for a cat for its life is $7000.00.

I think that mine is going over the $7,000 mark because I spoil him.